Thursday, October 7, 2010


I think that Helvetica is a very interesting movie. I love all the designers in it and think that they are very educated designers even if they say they are not. I think that it is interesting how Helvetica developed as a font. I think it is fascinating that it is still around today and such a basic font. It is everywhere to the point where is just blends in. I think that if the font is used really simply in design it can be boring and overused but if it is pushed and played with can produce great things. I like how it began as such a boom in your face kind of font but then people got sick of it. I don't know if I will use it in my work.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bill Morrison

I thought that this was a very interesting lecture. I did however think that hearing what the artist had to say left me unmoved. I did not think that he talked very enthusiastically about his art. I thought that the first and especially the second film was very interesting. The third film he showed was too random and bland for me. There is something about the film being colorless that makes it easier to soak up when so much is going on. I think that DECASIA was also interesting but seemed to drag on. I think that with a material as experimental as decaying film you can easily bore the viewer if you expect too much of their interest. I like the classic-ness though of using film and think that if he used any other type of more modern video and film in his pieces, it would simply loose a pure quality. It is very interesting with the decaying film what of the picture stays and what gets destroyed. The imagery reminds me almost of the haziness of a dream. Overall, I am glad we went to go see him speak and show his films.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

After reading this long article I found myself returning to one particular spot in the reading. "The uniqueness of a work of art is inseparable from its being imbedded in the fabric of tradition." I thought this quote was interesting when it talks about traditions and art. In early art traditions where constantly changing but the art would stay the same. Originally artwork was known for sameness, as well as ritual. It is very interesting to analyze a "work of art".